Cat breeds

The Russian Blue is a cat breed that has a silver-blue coat. They are very intelligent and playful, but tend…
The Ragdoll is a cat breed with blue eyes and a distinct point (coat color) coat. It is a large…
The Ragamuffin (often spelled RagaMuffin) is a breed of domestic cat, a variant of the Ragdoll, that first made its…
The Pixie-bob is a breed of domestic cat claimed by breed founder Carol Ann Brewer of Washington state to be…
The Peterbald is a cat breed of Russian origin. Peterbalds have an elegantly slim graceful and muscular build. They have…
The Persian is a long-haired breed of cat characterized by its round face and shortened muzzle. Its name refers to…
The Oriental Longhair is a breed of domestic cat. It is closely related to the Oriental Shorthair. The Oriental Longhair…
The Oriental Shorthair is a breed of domestic cat that is closely related to the Siamese. It maintains the modern…
The Oregon Rex was one of several breeds of domestic cat with the rex mutation, which in the mid-20th-century occurred…
Ojos Azules are a relatively new cat breed of domestic cat. Ojos Azules are remarkable for their deep blue eyes.…
The Ocicat is an all-domestic breed of cat which resembles a wild cat but has no wild DNA in its…
The Norwegian Forest Cat or skogkatt is a breed of domestic cat native to Northern Europe. This natural breed is…
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