Dog breeds

The Kerry Beagle is one of the oldest Irish Hounds, believed to be descendant from the Old Southern Hound or…
The Keeshond plural: Keeshonden) is a medium-sized dog with a plush two-layer coat of silver and black fur with a…
The Karst Shepherd (Slovene: kraševec or kraški ovčar) is a breed of dog of the livestock guardian type, originating in…
The Karelian Bear Dog (KBD) is a Finland or Karelian breed of dog. In its home country, it is regarded…
The Kanni alias Chippiparai is rare indigenous South Indian dog breed found in the state of Tamil Nadu. Native people…
The Kai Ken (甲斐犬, also called the Tora Inu or Tiger Dog) is a breed of dog that hails from…
The Kaikadi is of the terrier dog breed, named after a nomadic tribe in Maharashtra, India. They make excellent watchdogs…
The is a small terrier native to Japan. It is believed to be descended from the progeny of fox terrier…
The is a small to medium breed of dog of the Spitz dog type. The Japanese Spitz is a companion…
The Japanese Chin (Japanese: 狆, chin), also known as the Japanese Spaniel, is the dog of Japanese royalty. A lap…
The Jämthund, also called the Swedish Elkhound/Moosehound, is a breed of dog of the Spitz type that are found in…
The Jagdterrier is a type of working terrier originating in Germany, that is used for hunting quarry both above and…
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